From academic session (2018-19) the school is affiliated with CBSE New Delhi. Institution will ensure to provide best environment for students study. There are 32 class rooms in the school which are fully equipped with required furniture according to age group of the children. The fully ventilated class rooms provide a congenial environment for a purposeful life and future, on philosophy of "Child Centered" education aiming at growth of child's personality, body, mind and soul so as to make him a good citizen of the nation.
A Wide range of books of moral story, history, Scientific is available in the library with pictures to develop creative thinking, knowledge of history & Science in the children. So that they may enjoy to to read books in their free time. School library provides a conducive atmosphere for reading as it is housed in a spacious hall fully equipped with modernized furniture.
1 Students are to observe complete silence in the library
2 Every student of the school is allowed to draw two books for 20 days at a time.
3 In case a book is lost or damaged the student concerned will have to either the price of the Book or replace the Book.
4 If a book is not returned to the librarian on its due date, an overdue charge of 10 Rs. per day will be charged. No new book shall be issued to him / her till the first book is returned.
5 Books may be got renewed with the permission of the librarian
6 Reference books, textbooks and magazines can be consulted only during library hours and such reference material is not for issues.